Write A Way: Journey to Creativity: The Business of Writing

What would you like to happen with your writing? There is a point in a writer’s life when you want to take your work from the notebook or writers group and engage a wider audience. Are you there yet? I recently attended a publishing workshop. The publisher shared his experiences Continue Reading →

What the Animals Teach Us

An animal communicator once explained to Ken and I that Duke, our sweet sheltie, barked so much because “it is fun” and Duke didn’t realize that his excessive barking irritated us. So she took a moment to telepathically explain this matter to Duke and thereafter he seemed to bark less. Continue Reading →

The Shaman Way: What the Animals Tell Us

Each animal has its own nature, its own traits and is a representation of a power such as strength for the lion or speed for the jaguar. By learning about animal strengths or powers, a Shaman apprentice comes to understand why people are attracted to certain favorite animals and repulsed Continue Reading →

Awakening Miraculous Memories Meditation

Join me on a meditative adventure designed to help you remember how miraculous your life already is. You have already experienced many miracles, and more are on their way. This miracle meditation can help you remember – on many different levels – the miracles you have already attracted and received, Continue Reading →

Write A Way: Journey to Creativity: Accept Imperfection and Keep Writing

There are perfectionists that torment themselves and those around them. Nothing is ever done right in the struggle for perfection. The finely polished surface bears a lone fingerprint. Then there are others who strive for perfection and their actions produce something wonderful. They have a high regard for their work Continue Reading →

Reiki Heart Anchor Exercise: For Self-Healing & Self-Acceptance

Touch is an essential means of sending and receiving love. The Usui system of Reiki uses touch to heal and is one of the easiest natural healing systems known today… Whether you have been attuned to Reiki – or not, this simply touch exercise will help anchor your heart center. Continue Reading →